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Copyright 2024 © www.bobog.org All rights reserved. Last updated July 2, 2024

News - Dec 4, 2023

This is my last update of the year as things always get busy in December. The next update will probably be near the end of January. Expect changes to the layout and colour scheme. Your favourite sections will still be here though.

Spike, out little dog, recovered well from his surgery. There hasn’t been any change in his behavious now that he seems to have gotten over the trauma of it all. Since he refused to wear his cone, we wound up putting him in a baby diaper to prevent him from biting at the stitches! I weighed him the other day and he is just under 7lbs. He is getting used to our routines and is slowly training us to his way of doing things, as dogs do.

Last month we went to see the matinee performance of Isla’s school play. It was a cute story and I think every kid in the school was somehow involved. Isla was part of a musical number with lots of choreography. She was great - we had a good time and are proud of her performance.

In addition to rehearsals for the play, Isla has been busy with swimming lessons, gymnastics, piano, and probably some other activities I forgot. Busy kid!

My weight loss journey continues, sort of. There is a shortage of the drug I was taking (Ozempic) so the supply is now being limited to diabetics only. For the past 3 weeks I have been holding steady at 60lbs lighter than when I started so I am happy about that. My appetite has returned to fat guy levels so I am having to be careful about how much I eat.

I am still volunteering with the Canadian Cancer Society and driving cancer patients to the hospital every Friday. I was afraid it would be depressing or sad to see all these cancer patients heading in for chemo or radiation or whatever, but it  has been exactly the opposite. Every one of them have been cheerful and even optimistic. Even those who only expect to gain a few months of life from the treatments.

I am in awe of these brave people who are fighting for their lives.

This past weekend Mark had an armwrestling match in Lloyminster, about 3 hours drive east on the Alberta-Saskatchewan border. This was a “supermatch” which pits him against only one opponent selected by the promoter rather than a round robin type against multiple opponents. Mark’s opponent was Travis Robertson and they competed in both right and left arms. Mark won both arms. Well done, Mark!

Last update I told you about my new project car, a 1971 Mustang Mach1 barn find. The disassembly phase is underway and I have refurbished a few pieces which are now sitting in my office taking up a surprising amount of space.

That’s it for this update. Take care and stay in touch!

Greg & Tess

News - Oct 5, 2023

Well, lots has been going on around here over the 2+ months since I last typed at you.

In August we got out camping again although only for 3 days at the nearby Wabamun Lake Provincial park. It turned out to be the last trip of the season. You can see some photos and read my camping journal here.

If you were paying attention one the main page, you saw a photo of Spike. He is the new canine addition to our family. We bought him from a breeder is Saskatchewan and picked him up last week. Spike is a 7lb Maltese-Yorkshire Terrier cross. He is coming up on his first birthday next week.

We named him after the big, mean bulldog in the Looney Tunes cartoon. Our Spike is just like him after the little dog named Chester put him in his place. Tomorrow he goes to the vet to get neutered (sorry Spike) and once he has recovered, we expect him to be even more laid back than he is now.

He is very cute, loves walks and cuddles and barely makes a sound. He is already pretty well house trained too which is a bonus.

My weight loss journey continues and I am now down nearly 55lbs. Thanks, Ozempic! There is a shortage of the stuff here in Canada so starting next month only people that actually need it to treat their diabetes will be able to get it. I’ll chat with my family doctor to see what he recommends, if anything.

I am still enjoying driving cancer patients to the hospital on Fridays. Most days I get two patients to transport.

The other big news is the project car which we picked up this past weekend. A big thank you to my brother Todd for using his truck and trailer to transport it from Genelle in southern British Columbia to the shop in St. Albert. I’ll post photos and progress reports on the new page here.

That’s it for this update. Take care and stay in touch!

Greg & Tess

News - Feb 7, 2024

Happy February! I am too lazy to update the appearance of this site this year. Maybe later. So, we had a great Christmas season and as always, Santa was good to us all.

It has been several months since I finished with my Ozempic routine and so far, I am holding steady at my 60lbs lighter weight. Except for a few weeks when it was stupidly cold (as low as -52C/-61F plus windchill), I have been taking Spike for walkies every day. I’m sure the exercise is good for me too.

My one day a week volunteer driving gig with the Cdn Cancer Society continues as does my enjoyment of the time I get to spend with these patients. If you want to give back, there are lots of groups that are happy to have you volunteer a little time to their cause.

Since my last update a couple of months ago, the Mustang project named Jolene has been put on hold due to the weather. I have acquired a parts washing sink, a set of Ford 16” aluminium rims that will look great, a set of dollies that go under the tires to allow the car to be moved around, and another storage shelf to hold some of the parts scattered around the garage.

The goal for 2024 is to complete the steel work behind the rear seats - new trunk floor, gas tank, trunk lid, tail lamp corners, wheel houses, etc., etc.

I have to stay within my budget so depending on the extent of the rust I can’t see yet, it may take until the end of 2025 to finish the back end.

We have decided to take a bigger than our average RV trip this summer. The plan is for about 6 weeks from home to Vancouver Island. No dates yet and no route yet either. There are at least 5 routes available to us, all of which we have done before. The trip will be 3,000+ kms with probably the most expensive gasoline in the country plus $700 in ferry fares and $350 per week in campground costs. We are saving our pennies already.

Family tree stuff continues to take up several hours per day. I’m surprised at how many distant cousins I have found scattered throughout New Brunswick, Massachusets, Virginia, and Georgia. Distant means 3rd, 4th and 5th cousins a few times removed. I stop collecting information at the 5th cousin level in an attempt to keep the size of the tree manageable. As it is, I have found 18,725 family members in my tree and 1,595 in Tess’ tree. Wow!

That’s it for this update. Take care and stay in touch!

Greg, Tess, & Spike