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Copyright 2024 © www.bobog.org All rights reserved. Last updated July 2, 2024

News - July 3, 2024

Happy Summer! Hope you all had a great Canada Day long weekend. And happy July 4th to US readers!

My one day a week volunteer driving gig with the Cdn Cancer Society continues as does my enjoyment of the time I get to spend with these patients. If you want to give back, there are lots of groups that are happy to have you volunteer a little time to their cause.

I have some sad new about Jolene, The rust and decay is terminal. It will cost about twice as much just in parts to restore as it will be worth when it is done. The family that sold it to me are sad too as the car was important to them as they bought it new. You can read more about my decision here.

Now that summer and camping season is here, the family tree is taking a back seat to other stuff although I still try to find an hour a day to at least keep up with the new family photos being posted to Ancestry.

We did take the big RV trip we were planning in the last update. We were gone 43 nights, drove 4,330 kms, and burned $2,500 worth of gasoline. We had a great trip. You can read about it and see photos here. We plan to get out next in July but only for 5 days or so.

What else? While we were away our son Mark had several calamities befall him, two major and others minor. As always he is bouncing back and getting on with life.  He is a good Dad to Isla and makes us proud.

That’s it for this update. Take care and stay in touch!

Greg, Tess, & Spike